The doctrinal nature of the policy of promoting the state`s external image in the conditions of a new world order formation


  • T. L. Nagornyak Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
  • M. A. Polovyi Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
  • S. V. Bondarenko Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
  • A. O. Osmolovska Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University



international political subjectivity; state`s image; information space; new world order; US foreign policy; Ukrainian-American relations


Within the framework of the author’s scientific research, three types of communicative models of the world’s states were identified, which reflect the basic principles of building state information policy and reflect the key characteristics of the political system. Among them are subsidiary, vertical, and transitional models. The institutional method was used to prove the specifics of the state as a political institution that is the bearer of national images, as well as the role and degree of influence of public policy on the formation of ideas about the state in the external information space, on the policy of promoting and transforming these images, with an emphasis on the actions of those states that shape the global political discourse of today. The authors propose an integral model of state’s public image formation, which provides for the synergy of actors of public diplomacy. The result of its implementation is the formation of the components of the state image (regional, multicultural, culinary, educational, expert) together with official products (national symbols, reputation characteristics, socio-economic development indicators, rating indicators and e-diplomacy products) «from below». Both the central government and local communities in the context of the implementation of «bottom-up» policy should be involved in the realization of a successful image formation policy. The authors emphasize that the policy of state’s image formation in the external information space should be considered as a multifaceted component of the foreign policy of the state. The tools, channels and subjects of formation and adjustment of the stateʼs image should be embedded in each of the vectors of foreign policy – in security, diplomatic, economic, social, legal, and directly information vectors.


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