National security planning strategy of the Republic of Poland: experience for Ukraine.


  • P. F. Yatsyuk Воєнно-дипломатична академія імені Євгенія Березняка



national security strategy, Republic of Poland, NATO, European Union, USA, wikis and threaten national safety, securityless treasury, national interest


In the article the prerequisites of the polish leadership for the development of a new National security strategy (NSS) are considered. The reasons of the low efficiency of the National security system of Ukraine are analyzed in the publication. Among them are identified: the obsolescence of the National security system, which had formed on the Soviet model; the creation of NSS under pressure of the world and regional leaders without taking into account the needs and interests of Ukraine; formal approaches of the state leadership, and as a result of incompleteness of the creation process of the NSS. The key problem was multi-vectoral foreign policy, which has been declared by Ukraine, as well as a lack of priority in securing national interests.

In order to complete, the problem is defined to provide a deep reform. It should be started from creation of a functional model to formation of an integral system, which will consist of laws and bills in national security and defense sphere.

For the purpose of effective implementation that task was analyzed the experience of neighboring countries, which are members of NATO and EU, in particular Poland’s experience.

The content of the document has been analized. The focus is on assessing the safety environment of Poland, challenges and threat facing the country and European region.

In the article is thoroughly analyzed the Strategy of Development of the National Security System
of the Republic of Poland 2022, which was created according to the main NATO’s and EU’s strategy documents in this sphere – NATO’s Strategic Concept and EU’s Security Strategy. The structure of Poland’s Strategy should be analyzed since its threats and priorities are very similar to Ukraine’s. The result could be used as an experience.


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