Comparative characteristics of the legal and institutional basis of the digital diplomacy of the Slovak republic and Hungary.


  • Ya. Yu. Matchuk Інститут міжнародних відносин Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка



digital diplomacy, foreign policy, the Slovak Republic, Hungary, public diplomacy


In terms of the modern diffusion and global deployment of network technologies and online platforms around the world, as well as their growing role and impact on different spheres of life, including foreign policy, we consider the latest phenomenon of digital diplomacy as a result of the evolution of communication with foreign audiences and its partial transition to the digital space. Therefore, with this article, the author joins the debate about the phenomenon of digital diplomacy, which hasn’t reached a 

definitive theoretical conceptualization yet. Accordingly, there is a need to study the approaches of different states thereto in order to identify common and distinct features in the interpretation of the phenomenon and their practical application. In particular, this paper analyzes the organizational and legal basis of digital diplomacy in the two countries of the Visegrad Group, in particular in the Slovak Republic and Hungary.

The article focuses on the approach of the Slovak Republic and Hungary to digital diplomacy and their key institutions dealing with this sphere. To this end, the author provides a comprehensive overview of the legal framework that underpins the development of digital diplomacy in the Slovak Republic and Hungary, as well as analyzes the system of governmental and non-governmental organizations currently active in this field that are responsible for its development in both countries as well as ways of attaining the goals of digital diplomacy by these organizations and namely, their respective departments. In addition, the article proposes further perspectives for the progressive development and improvement of the effectiveness of digital diplomacy initiatives, programs and institutions in the Slovak Republic and Hungary, based on a comparative analysis of the current findings. It was found that the comprehensive program on the use of digital diplomacy instruments to unify states’ images in the online space, as well as to enhance the protection of national interests and the promotion of foreign policy initiatives, should be developed
at both states.


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