Revival/renaissance: the culture studies concept in realm of political practice.
renaissance/revival, Russia, USA, Ukraine, Italy, president electionsAbstract
The paper presents analysis of some cases of typically culture studies’ notion “renaissance/revival” applying to political science.
It is accentuated, that broad applying of the mentioned concept to humanities and social studies began in the last half of the 19th century and since that time its geographical and disciplinary areal had extended exceptionally and now it could be seen as a usual element of its “native” historic and art studies, but economic, political, social researches and state-building activity as well.
Worldview, political and historiosophy are considered as the main factors that contributed to the process of the concept gaining such a popularity.
Cases of concept applying as purely instrumental means are considered using the examples of slogans proposed by political leaders in USA and Russia during the pre-election period in the end of the 20thbeginning 21st centuries (R.Reagan, B.Clinton, D.Trump, B.Yeltsyn, V.Putin).
Examples of B.Mussolini’ epoch and state activity of count S.Uvarov in Russia of the first half of the 19th century, as non-programme revival − Ukrainian national one (19th century), are proposed as the cases of renaissance/revival conceptual applying.
The concept as well as the idea derived from it are impressive and attractive for profane society members that made possible for different political forces to use it to achieve their goals. Both concept and idea are indefinite, have no strict borders and possibilities to serve as a model and don’t presuppose conscious goal-setting. It means that an attempt of its realization provokes to latent violation of causal relationship that has to provide sustainable historic development. So it looks much more constructive for modern society and political leaders to strive to build future, and do not pay attention to call back to past even if the past looks very charming.
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