The role of territorial communities in the process of establishing the institute of democratic citizenship in Ukraine.
local self-government, institute of democratic citizenship, territorial community, collective activity through joint interactionAbstract
This study identifies features of functioning of territorial communities in modern Ukraine as agents of institutionalization of democratic citizenship. Territory is a static factor in a successful community development model, and citizenship is a dynamic factor, which is personalized in teams that work together to work together for mutual benefit. Collective citizenship in the image of territorial communities is determined by the agent of the institutionalization of democratic citizenship. The legitimacy of recognizing democratic collective citizenship as a political institute and community is affirmed, while the synthesis of socio-cultural and strategic factors of community development is a necessary condition for its involvement in contemporary politics as a political actor. The works of domestic and foreign authors on the studied topic are analyzed, in particular the work of Elinor Ostrom «Managing the Common. The evolution of collective action institutions. " Among the research methods are the author’s research on the topic of self-government in recent years (2002-2018) and the generalization of his own experience of deputy activity. The importance of uniting territorial communities for their ability to be successful is emphasized. The indicator of the development of collective citizenship as a community is defined by territorial and national identity. In particular, territorial identity plays a leading role in reforming local self-government, territorial organization of the state, and self-organization of society. Emphasis is placed on the importance of adhering to scientifically grounded legislation and procedures for the unification of territorial communities. Recommendations are given on the effectiveness of further development of territorial communities, among which priorities are identified: strengthening of collective solidarity, financial stability and enhancement of civic competence.References
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