Modern Ukrainian elite: a comparative analysis of political and managerial functioning.


  • T. V. Goncharuk-Cholach Ternopil National Economic University
  • N. V. Dzhugla Ternopil National Economic University



political-managerial elite, public queries, recruitment of elites, circulation of elites, decentralization, united territorial communities, local self-government, reform, personnel policy, elder, community, administrative assistant, local authorities


The article reveals the main problems of the formation of the Ukrainian political and managerial elite and staffing in the united territorial communities. It is proved that the Soviet regime exterminated the social ground on which the Ukrainian national elite was formed, which is capable to think contemporary and act. The role of the elite during the existence of the Soviet Union was carried out by a nomenclature whose main characteristics did not correspond to the modern model of the elite. Because of this, the politicalmanagerial elite in Ukraine at the beginning of independence was represented by the former nomenklatura, therefore, ideologically, incapable of carrying out the necessary reforms.

Today, the result of the formation of a political and managerial elite is often a combination of two morals: the old nomenclature, which is based on a tendency towards higher and contempt for the lower and new business, the principle of which is disregard for the law, the priority of selfish clan-corporate interests, this explains the high level corruption in their echans of government.

In this article, the authors emphasize that for the successful realization of today’s challenges, leaders with a thorough economic, political, legal education, strong innovative potential, who have knowledge of the secrets of public administration, who are able to persuade, take care of their Ukrainians and conduct them for by itself. Such managers should be characterized by business, responsibility, aspiration for various decisions and accord in a society that can establish strong and effective contacts with the opposition.


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