Participatory and deliberative democracy in modern political discourse.
participatory democracy, deliberative democracy, representative democracy, political discourse, populism, referendum, discussion, advisory bodies, electionsAbstract
The features of the development of the ideas of participatory and deliberative democracy in modern political discourse are researched in the article. The author defines the relationship between the formation of these conceptual models of democracy and political practice. This relationship is accompanied by an "emotional" coloring of a democratic idea, using it as a symbol of struggle for the empowerment of the citizens’ rights and freedoms or as a means of «approximation» the authorities to citizens.
The characteristic features of participatory and deliberative democracy and the peculiarities of implementing their tools into political practice are considered. It is noted that a number of such instruments are already widely used in European countries. This applies, in particular, to referendums, online discussions of draft state decisions, advisory bodies. Ukraine also does not stand aside these processes – public consultations, public councils at executive authorities, electronic petitions, public budgeting practices, etc. are introduced. At the same time, the development of participatory and deliberative practices in Ukraine is impulsive. The election campaigns and public protests significantly affect this process.
Attention is focused not only on the positive influence on the political system of the tools of participatory and deliberative democracy, but also on the possible negative impact. In particular, examples of complications in decision making, destabilization of domestic and foreign policy are considered.
How the ideas of participatory and deliberative democracy, if necessary, can become populist slogans is shown on the example of the electoral programs of the candidates for the post of President of Ukraine. But at the same time it characterizes the political discourse not only in Ukraine, but also in developed Western countries.
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