Socio-political discourse on development and future Ukraine.


  • V. P. Kipen Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



socio-political discourse, social changes, development models, revolution, reform, stabilization, modernization, evolution, development strategy, global tendencies, singular world, the future


The article studies the state of changes in the social and political system of the country. It substantiates the methodological approaches to determining the vectors and qualitative characteristics of transformations in the society and politics. Political changes are analyzed in the institutional context. The paper proves the efficiency of applying the methodology of historical actionalism, which concentrates on the analysis of the system of historic actions through which changes and transformations in the social life occur. The philosophy of constructivism is used for perception of the vectors of changes in the context of a singular world establishment.

The article provides an overview of two key discourses in the socio-political life regarding the character, vector, ways of implementation and depth of the necessary changes. It outlines the key points of the loyalist-evolutional and critical-revolutionist discourses regarding the future development of Ukraine. The study gives estimations and arguments of both discourses regarding the reforms and deformations of social and political institutions, which the development of social and political life of the country has undergone.

The nature of social and political messages determines the course of changes in the forms of certain development models, namely, the ordered-evolutional and radical-revolutional ones. The corresponding dependent vectors of changes – stabilization, modernization, historical breakthrough – have been outlined. The dilemma of stability vs. instability of socio-political life is being analyzed. The controversies between different visions of the future within the framework of key discourses are determined.

The models of the future with the consideration of growing global changes of the world, transition to singular world with super-fast changes are studied. The possible perspectives and threats for the development of the country depending on the chosen vector of social changes are described.


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