Risks as Factors of Increasing Distrust in Global Era.


  • N. О. Maistruk Національний технічний університет України «Киівський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського»




risk, political risks, economic risks, global risks, trust, distrust


The article presents an analysis of the risk concepts of N. Luhmann, U. Beck, E. Giddens in the context of deep research of modern societies from the standpoint of systemic and culturological paradigms. Objective and subjective dimensions of risks are considered in conjunction with the transformations of society in the global era. In an objective measurement is going strong universalization of risk in connection with the emergence of new varieties of global catastrophes; globalization of risk (expansion of risk areas for large segments of mankind); institutionalization of risk through the creation of various organizations (investment markets, stock exchanges, insurance, etc.); risk susceptibility: the emergence or intensification of risk as a by-product of human activity. In subjective measurement among individuals have been observed stable increase of the fear of risks (risks as a great test for humanity) caused by the societal complication and development of science and technology. Globalization is also a multidimensional phenomenon, in particular, there are distinguished objective, subjective, communicative and other dimensions. Among the main characteristics of this phenomenon are: territoriality and timelessness; the dialectic of global and local; hybridization and fragmentation. If, at the beginning, globalization was associated with internationalization, then, at the present stage, one of the most important tendencies of globalization is transnationalization, which leads to the emergence of transnational spaces. Transnational power should be understood primarily as a virtual space that provides strategic prospects in the national space. But, along with this, transnational power spheres interfere practically in all nationalstate power spheres. Transnationalization, uncertainty of the political system in a global society are factors that lead to growth of riskiness in a living space, while a trust becomes a means of overcoming uncertainty and reducing this risk. Globalization is a multiplier of risks generated by the transformation processes within the country; the balance of trust / distrust in a society determines the country’s competitiveness in a global space.


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