Informal subversive institutionalization as a characteristic of Ukrainian politics.


  • I. V. Kushnarov Інститут держави і права ім. В. М. Корецького НАН України



Ukraina, informal institutions, informal subversive institutionalization, corruption, nepotism, clientism, clanism


The article studies the evolution and forms of the destructive type of informal institutions in Ukraine. It proves that at different development stages of independent Ukraine the informal political institutional space played a decisive role in shaping the political landscape and states that the significant influence of informal political institutions on the Ukrainian politics led to the emergence of institutional defects in the political governance infrastructure of the country. The author analyzes the processes of client networks’ modification during the presidency of L. Kuchma, V. Yushchenko, V. Yanukovych, and expresses thoughts on the changes in the structure and intensity of informal politics in Ukraine after the Revolution of Dignity. The study investigates the peculiarities of the existing state-political order in Ukraine, which is determined by institutional characteristics such as clientism, clanism, cronyism, patronage relations etc. It defines the main manifestations of nepotism, cronyism etc. in the Ukrainian politics and the main factors, which allow the activity of informal subversive institutions in Ukraine. They include: lack of constructed, institutionally developed state architecture; chaotic processes of political institutionalization; the political system not being focused on the production of public goods, but on the practices of rent-seeking and “state capture”; propensity of the governing elite to solve issues using the informal institutions and practices; insignificant level of control over the power reproduction processes by the Ukrainian society etc. The author hypothesized that the way out of the situation of informal destructive institutions’ dominance in the domestic politics lies in the sphere of political culture, namely in formation of a value-oriented outlook (axiosphere), which denies the acceptability of using the instruments of subversive institutionalization in building the statehood on the democratic basis. 


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