Biopolical schools in the context of the development of modern political science.


  • A. Yu. Kravets Дніпропетровський національний університет ім. О. Гончара



biopolitics, biopolitical schools, empirical biopolitics, political behavior


The main goal is to study leading biopolitical schools, their contribution to modern political science. It has been found that there are several powerful centers of biopolitical research, in particular in the USA and Germany. The American biopolitical school is represented by scientists from the University of Nebraska and the University of California. The Nebraska group focused on discovered and investigated genetic foundations of political ideologies. They believe that differences in political ideologies include a genetic component. Scientists from the University of California focused on creating a holistic set of scientific knowledge devoted to the genetic component of political behavior. They state that protossocial behavior is associated with specific genes. In 1903, the American Political Science Association was founded, which brings together over 13,000 scientists from 80 countries around the world. The main directions of their research are the nature of «political man», biological determinants of social and political behavior, the evolution of political systems, etc. The goal is to create a biologically oriented political science. A powerful biopolitical center was initiated in Germany by H. Flor and P. Mayer, who believed biopolitics to use the approaches, theories and methods of biological sciences in political science. It is stated that biopolitics is an innovative discipline of modern political discourse, and therefore the scientific community still does not produce a clear idea of the origins of biopolitics, its subject area and vocation. Accordingly, there is no clear idea of its significance for contemporary political science. A comprehensive approach is proposed that will cover most of the existing biopolitical schools and research areas and will highlight those aspects of biopolitical issues that are relevant to contemporary political theory and practice.


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