Ideological dimension of modern political violence


  • V. Kravchenko Дніпровський державний медичний університет
  • O. Dobryden Дніпровський державний медичний університет



political violence, ideology, armed conflict, legitimization of violence, dehumanization, radicalization, political values and beliefs


The article is devoted to the study of the mechanisms of influence of ideological beliefs on the process of legitimization and justification of political violence. It has been established that ideology is an important element of political violence, which determines the nature and patterns of its use to achieve socio-political goals. It was determined that ideology is a set of systematized ideas, beliefs, norms, values and beliefs that determine the principles of political behavior of individuals. It has been proven that the common socio-political identity of supporters of a certain ideology increases the solidarity and readiness of individual groups to use physical coercion. This gives grounds for asserting that ideologies can influence the structure and goals of the subjects of violence, as well as ensure the process of attraction, motivation, socialization, identification and education of supporters. The results of the study demonstrate that the ideological beliefs of the participants in social relations can have a significant impact on the spread of modern armed conflicts and political violence. It was established that the main ideological mechanisms of legitimization of political violence are: definition of the object of violence; dehumanization and victim blaming; depiction of violence as a necessary, rational and non-alternative tool for achieving political goals; determining the desired end results. It was found that the influence of ideology on the intensity of armed conflict depends on several factors: the level of radicalization of the participants in the conflict, the economic situation of society, revolutionary or evolutionary goals of development, the level of institutionalization of ideology, the presence or absence of a previous ethnic or religious conflict. In general, the research is designed to improve the understanding of the influence of ideological factors on the nature, intensity and duration of political conflicts with the use of violence.


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