Thirty years of memory policy in the European Union: national and supranational narratives of a common future


  • M. Petrakov Південноукраїнський національний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського



memory policy, European Union, historical policy, memorial policy, collective memory, genocide, decommunisation, European identity, political process


The article ‘Thirty years of memory policy in the European Union: national and supranational narratives of a common future’ explores the evolution and impact of memory legislation in the European Union over the past three decades. By analysing the categories of ‘historical policy’, ‘memorial policy’ and ‘memory policy’, the article reveals their meaning and application in different European countries. In particular, in Germany, there is a debate about preserving the central role of the Holocaust in memory policy and integrating the memory of people of migrant origin. In France, a number of memorial laws have been passed, such as the Geissot Law and the Tobir Law, which are controversial among intellectuals and historians. At the European level, legislation covers a wide range of topics, from the interpretation of historical events to criminal sanctions for denial, the rehabilitation of political prisoners, compensation for victims of violence, and the integration of historical events into school education. Sebastian Ledoux proposes a classification of European memory laws into declaratory, binding and sanctioning laws, emphasising their role in shaping a common narrative of European memory. The article highlights how national parliaments in Europe have adopted memory laws in the context of the Roman legal tradition, favouring legislative instruments for establishing norms and organising society. These laws have become an instrument of European integration, promoting democratisation and minority protection, but also causing competition and instrumentalisation of history.Memory laws in Europe reflect three key contexts: genocide recognition, decommunisation and post-colonial issues.They contribute to the creation of a common narrative of European collective memory, but also face national resistance.The introduction of new laws of memory has changed the model of conflict resolution, promoting recognition and reparation for victims instead of forgetting and reconciliation.This new model influences the formation of European identity through the prism of collective memory of tragic historical events, questioning national and supranational narratives of a common future.


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