Communication activity of authorities


  • D. Bulhakov Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



communication policy of state authorities, press, communication processes, censorship, freedom of the press, social media, information wars, political communication, propaganda, civil society, digitalization, Internet, cultural and social dimensions, democracy, authoritarianism, political control over mass media, information security, media landscape


This article explores the communication activities of government authorities within the context of the development of the information society. It emphasizes that in modern conditions, information and knowledge become key resources that determine the socio-economic, technological, and cultural development of society. The impact of effective political communication on the democratization of power relations is analyzed, highlighting its role in overcoming social contradictions and bridging the gap between citizens and the government. The article discusses the problems that hinder political communication from effectively fulfilling its role, such as bureaucracy, corruption, manipulation of public opinion, and low professionalism of officials. The author also examines theoretical approaches to shaping communication policy, including the theories of the information society and communicative power theory. Special attention is given to the digitalization of communication processes, the implementation of e-government, and the development of social networks as tools for government communication. The importance of information security, press freedom, censorship, and the role of social media and new information and communication technologies in modern democratic society are analyzed. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of constructive dialogue between the government and society, the need for the development of new skills and competencies among civil servants, and adaptation to the changing conditions of the information environment. The article examines communication barriers such as linguistic differences, information overload, and lack of feedback, and suggests ways to overcome them. Thus, the article concludes that a strategic approach is needed for the development of communication policy by government authorities, which should consider the principles of the information society, ensure sustainable development, and support innovative processes in all areas of public life.


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Політична культура та ідеологія