Education policy as an instrument of national security of the state
education, knowledge, human capital, national security, educational policyAbstract
Education and knowledge are considered as important components of the development of modern society and the state. Emphasis is placed on the relevance of education policy in Ukraine. The concept of “educational policy” is outlined as an important direction of the state’s development and purposeful activity of authorities regarding the formation of human capital. In particular, attention is focused on the effectiveness of human capital as a set of knowledge, skills and experience of people, which meets the modern needs of society and the Ukrainian state, especially in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which has both conventional (military-technological) and conscientious (informational-knowledge) character. The authorities responsible for the implementation of the state education policy in Ukraine, as well as the regulatory and legal documents adopted by them, are singled out. Emphasis is placed on the role of the executive branch of government responsible for the implementation of educational policy, as well as the need to take into account regional characteristics and trends in the growth of the autonomy of educational institutions, narrowing the administrative functions of the center and expanding them locally. Attention is focused on the need to preserve and develop human capital as the most important resource for Ukraine’s future success. It is stipulated that a feature of the modern educational process in the state is the influence of international institutions that form common supranational educational priorities, as well as Ukraine’s participation in projects that contribute to the development of the educational space in our state. It is noted that education in the information and knowledge society is closely related to science, because technologies and highly qualified workers ensure significant results in the development of the state, as well as the national security of Ukraine. After all, in the conditions of external aggression and international uncertainty, the Ukrainian state needs highly qualified and morally stable citizens.
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