The theory of decisionism as the antipod of soft de-sovereignization of Ukraine
de-sovereignization; sovereignty; decisionism; normativism; European Union; European integrationAbstract
Various interpretations of the concept of sovereignty, the historical component of this phenomenon, as well as the modern – neoliberal – paradigm of its understanding are indicated. It is argued that sovereignty is the main component of autonomy and independence in the domestic and foreign policy of any state. Such forms of sovereignty are considered as: real and ideal; national and state. It is indicated that, taking into account globalization processes, two scientific interest groups have emerged – hyperglobalists and globalization skeptics, each of which defends its own point of view on how the concept of sovereignty should be understood and implemented.
The main interpretations of the functioning of the state apparatus and the concept and realization of sovereignty of the 20th century are analyzed: normativism and decisionism. The genealogy, main features and influence of these legal concepts on modern politics are highlighted. The concept of de-sovereignization and its main forms: coercive and soft is analyzed theoretically. Soft de-sovereignization is positioned as the main political perspective of Ukraine, which will be a consequence of the unifying process of full integration with the EU.
In connection with the fact that the absolute rule of law is the main legal paradigm of the European Union, it is noted that in the modern realities of global politics, there is a possibility for Ukraine to become dependent on the forced implementation of European Union legislation and lose the sovereign component of its own national course of political development.
The indisputable advantages of the status of national states, which remain in the decision-making dimension of their own legislation, are emphasized, which allows them to conduct independent policies and have their own path of development in relation to personal goals of national development.
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