Humanitarian policy as a tool for overcoming the crisis of civic identity




humanitarian policy; humanitarian sphere; identity; civic identity; ethnic identity; democracy


The article analyzes the peculiarities and prospects of using humanitarian policy as a tool for preventing and overcoming the crisis of civic identity.
It is established that in most cases, civic identity is defined through self-awareness and self-identification of a citizen with a particular state, i.e. its civil community, regardless of ethnic roots and national origin. The formation of civic identity is one of the key tasks of the State’s humanitarian policy,
It is found that in the context of globalization, the issue of overcoming the crisis of civic identity is of particular importance, which may include a targeted State policy in the areas of formation of worldview, national identity and mentality, national character, historical and ethno-national memory, and maintenance of national traditions, symbols and stereotypes of citizens’ behavior.
The author outlines the types of identity that can be the object of the state’s humanitarian policy and summarizes the experience of democratic countries in implementing humanitarian policy as a tool for overcoming the crisis of civic identity.
It is proved that the humanitarian policy of a state should be aimed primarily at strengthening its sovereignty, and in some cases may not be identical to the humanitarian policies of certain cultural groups that form the citizens of that state. Except in cases where such cultural groups count on the state to promote their interests and assume certain obligations to support the state.
The author concludes that high-quality democratic transformations in all spheres of modern Ukrainian society require the formation of an adequate national concept of interaction between civil society and the State, the legal and moral basis for which has already been laid.


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