Культурно-освітня стратегія КНР у зовнішній політиці


  • N. M. Baklanova Національний університет «Одеська політехніка»
  • V. M. Bukach ДЗ «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського»




“soft power”; “cultural soft power


The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that, despite the relative elaboration of such topics as “soft power” and “cultural soft power” in China’s foreign (and internal) policy, the focus of previous studies was not directly focused on cultural and educational strategy of the PRC’s foreign policy.
The goal of the study is to analyze the cultural and educational strategy of the PRC’s foreign policy. The study is based on systemic and interdisciplinary approaches. There were also used general scientific methods such as induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, comparison and analogy, generalization and abstraction, as well as such special scientific methods as descriptive and prognostic, sociological and content-analysis, historical-genetic and problem-chronological. Their use allowed us to reveal the nature and the prospects of educational and cultural strategy of the PRC’s foreign policy.
It was clearly demonstrated that according to Chinese researchers and Chinese leadership, the core of PRC’s «cultural soft power» should be the elements of China’s socialist and traditional culture, adapted to modern times. They believe that, while China’s «cultural soft power» is being built, it should be maintained the necessary balance between socialist and traditional national values, modern elements of mass culture and universal human values, which all together will most effectively ensure inside and outside the country the attractiveness of China’s national culture.
It was established that PRC’s cultural foreign policy relies on various resources and is deployed in various fields, including social, humanitarian and natural sciences, literature, art, television, radio, cinema, sports, tourism, etc. The forms of such cooperation are also characterized by considerable diversity: Chinese language courses, cultural festivals, scientific schools and conferences, holidays, exhibitions, exchanges of delegations and creative teams. Great importance is attached to humanitarian exchanges: cultural (in particular, the promotion of national “cultural brands”, including Beijing opera, Chinese circus and martial arts) and educational (including creation of most favorable conditions for foreign students and professors in PRC).


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