The Agitation Tools in Social Media (Ukrainian and Polish Campaigns Experience in 2019)
social media; Facebook; Instagram; Twitter; YouTube; Telegram; elections; political parties; political agitation; election campaign; Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; Sejm of the Republic of PolandAbstract
In many countries the significant influence of social media on the political processes is really obvious, as evidenced by the modern realities. This review article analyzes and summarizes the tools used to carry out campaigning in social media by the political forces of Poland and Ukraine. Publications and other activities on social media pages and channels of Ukrainian parties (whose representatives became members of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine) and Polish political forces (those who received representation in the lower house of the National Assembly of the Republic of Poland – the Sejm of the Republic of Poland) during the 2019 election campaigns were taken as examples. It was found out that representatives of the political forces of both states used (in most cases) the same types of social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. However, in Ukraine, Telegram was additionally being experimented with. At the same time in Poland Twitter was more popular than in our country. it is defined, that advertising on social media allows to more accurately address narratives, namely: to outline the region, the age parameters of coverage of party content. Facebook has somewhat curbed the abuse of this tool.
The next agitation tools have been defined: polls, «viral» dissemination of information (content), using bots, advertising, creating events and adding a frame to page’s picture photo on Facebook. The dynamics of audience coverage data, user reactions, likes, comments, reposts, video views, subscriptions to the party page or channel can be used as indicators of the effectiveness. Empirical and comparative methods were used in the research process.
Further scientific research may be related to the use of this agitations toolkit (and possibly it’s extension) in other countries, to the definition of the particular features for the specific country or region.
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