Revival of Islamic Emirate Afghanistan in the context of Taliban return to power


  • V. V. Lymar Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



Taliban; Islamic Emirate Afghanistan; Pashtuns; shariah; religious nationalism; Sunni Islam; donors’ financial support; external actors; internal policy processes


There were analyzed preconditions of forming radical movement “Taliban”, as well as its returning to power with the aim of revival of Islamic Emirate Afghanistan. It has been defined that today Taliban is recognized as terroristic organization by UNO which formation has been caused not only by domestic policy processes of Afghanistan but by the influence of external actors, in particular Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. It has been analyzed the composition of Taliban in the context of its social classes and it defined that the biggest share of Taliban are the representatives of marginal classes of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
There was proved, that at the beginning, in 1994 the emergence of Taliban in Afghanistan was kindly perceived by the biggest part of population. The emigrants’ press, which published papers to support Taliban, played the active role in supporting Afghan Taliban. It was defined that later in Afghan society the processes of confrontation and polarization grew and as a result there was the split on two groups by political and ethnic features: anti-Taliban (mainly non-Pashtun) and Taliban (Pashtun).
It has been defined that the ideology of Taliban is religious nationalism. The official religion of Taliban is Sunni Islam. Afghanistan was under the control of Taliban till 2001, however the USA with help of North alliance after the situation on 11 September began antiterrorist operation against Taliban and destroyed it.
It was defined that in 2021 the USA got the troops out from Afghanistan, what let Taliban to make the revolution and take almost the whole territory of a country under control.
It has been proved that modern Taliban uses the religion to have the power in a region as well as to persuade recognition of the global community of it as legal power which has good intentions for saving Islamic traditions and laws of shariah for recovering and peace development of Islamic Emirate Afghanistan.
 It has been defined that values that Taliban has declared in the Constitution do not correspond to the real situation which is today in Afghanistan: the rights of women to study and work are violated, entertainments are banned in the other words promises and real actions of Taliban today differ.


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