Liberal-idealistic Tradition in Peace Studies
peace; liberal-idealistic tradition; idealism; liberal internationalism; liberal institutionalism; neoliberalism; liberal peace; democratic peace theoryAbstract
The article analyzes the role of the liberal-idealist tradition in the study of peace. The author provideі information on the general features of the liberal-idealist vision of peace and the anticipation of the perspective opposition to its development in modern international political science. It is recognized that in the modern conditions of changing the nature of war and moderation and subordination of conflict settlement, it is important to create a theoretical basis for peace building. The article emphasizes that theoretical issues of peace are mostly not the subject of academic interest of Ukrainian researchers and the available scientific research is represented by foreign publications. In view of the potential of the liberal-idealist tradition in building peace, domestic science needs a comprehensive research on theories of peace.
The article focuses the reader’s attention on the thesis that idealism laid the foundations for the discussion of peace, vision of peace, understanding of peace. The author reveals the origins of the liberal-idealist vision of peace and characterizes different directions of the liberal-idealist tradition. Particular attention is focused on the discussion of liberal peace and the concept of J. Galtung on positive and negative peace. The thesis that today the theory of democratic peace as a basic vision of peace by neoliberals is the most realistic and achievable version of peace is substantiated.
The article describes in detail idealism, liberal internationalism, liberal institutionalism, liberal pacifism, liberal interventionism, neoliberal institutionalism and compares these approaches. It has been found that these approaches have common features and a common framework for peace research. It is emphasized that these approaches are based on the idea of a universal liberal world not on the basis of hegemony, but on the basis of functional networks and organizations. It is argued that all the above concepts depict an achievable general peace. The article suggests the existence of a liberal consensus on peace, but highlights issues that are still unresolved. According to the author, a broad discussion of peace in the scientific space based on an interdisciplinary approach is needed.
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