Values of Ecological Safety as Sociocultural Regulators of Society
values of ecological safety; ecological crisis; ecological education; ecological consciousness; civilizationAbstract
The place and role of values of ecological safety in the process of civilizational development are analyzed. It was found that a significant deterioration in quality of life has a defined environmental context, as humanity is not always able to control the forces and technologies it has created, which led to a global apocalypse, which is evidence of the exhaustion of self-regulation of the biosphere. activities in nature.
It has been studied that the global environmental crisis is the result of many factors. This is the consumer approach to nature, and the destructive type of industrial development, and unregulated population growth, and the incompetence of the relevant services and so on. However, there is another and probably the most significant cause of the ecological crisis – the global decline of spirituality and morality, low level of environmental education, environmental culture in general, the vast majority of the world’s inhabitants. And so, unfortunately, it always was. However, recent decades have been marked by a special cynicism: a surge of collective selfishness, nihilism, local and regional unrest in societies, a planetary epidemic of immorality, crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, total frivolity, thoughtlessness and greed for quick profit, individual degradation and degradation. , incompetence in solving human-natural problems.
It is concluded that the degree of social progress and civilization can not be measured only by quantitative indicators of production, but primarily by the state of human health, a number of moral and spiritual criteria. Thus, humanity must reconsider its moral paradigms, which have led to the degradation of environmental consciousness, and once again feel an integral part of nature. Only a deep revolution in the minds of people, the recognition of the natural environment as an inalienable life-affirming value can provide an environmentally safe habitat and save civilization from further destruction.
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