Political responsibility of the people.


  • A. Ponomarenko Вінницький національний технічний університет
  • D. Kovalov Вінницький національній аграрний університет




social responsibility, political responsibility, subjects of responsibility, people, historical responsibility


The article examines the political responsibility of the people as a special type of social responsibility. The purpose of this article is to study the concept and characteristics of political responsibility of the state-organized people in the context of European philosophy of the twentieth century. For the analysis of the phenomenon of political responsibility of the people used, mainly, the works of K. Jaspers and G. Jonas.

It has been established that political responsibility as a form of social responsibility has all the features and features of social responsibility, but also has a number of features. The political responsibility of the people is collective and consists of the individual responsibility of each individual citizen. Every person as a "political being" has a certain political responsibility and has a close connection with the political power of his country, because she chose her representatives. She also feels the results of her activity as a result of her choice.

In its content, the political responsibility of the people has two aspects: positive (prospective responsibility) and negative (retrospective responsibility). The ontological basis of political responsibility of the people is freedom as its natural state; therefore the responsibility of the people is natural. The political responsibility of the people in the temporal measure is transformed into a historical responsibility to God for his past, modern and for the future of his state and the preservation of the life of mankind on Earth. Examples of political responsibility of the people for their past are given.

The definition of political responsibility of the people as a measure of compliance of the joint political activity of all citizens of the state with social-historical requirements regarding the implementation of public authority is proposed.


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URL: https://focus.ua/politics/415600-golos-pekla.html (дата звернення 20.02.2019)



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