Space as a fundamental category in the theories of German-centric geopolitics.


  • N.V. Lepska Запорізький національний університет


geopolitics, territory, space, geopolitical space, living space, spatial expansion, development of space


The article is devoted to the analysis of the essence of the category of space in Germanic-centrist geopolitics. The understanding of the spatial organization of the world, spatial functioning and development of the state in the fundamental works of the founders of geopolitics F. Ratzel, R. Cellen, founder of the German classical school of geopolitics K. Haushofer has been considered. Attention is drawn to the differences, theoretical and methodological traditions in the study of the spatial organization of the world and the European continent in the scientific heritage of these authors. It is noted that the foundations of the scientific categorization of space, embodied in the classical theories of Germanic-centrist geopolitics, have not lost their heuristic significance even today. The need to take into account the specifics of the current geopolitical shifts and, in particular, the fundamental changes in the European spatial organization, the rethinking and modernizing of the category «space» has been actualized.


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