Gender parity as a national interest of the modern state.


  • L.А. Litvin Східноукраїнський національний університет імені Володимира Даля


gender parity, gender equality, national interest


The aim of the work is to analyze gender parity as a national interest of the modern state and to give recommendations on the implementation of gender equality as a national interest. It is noted that gender equality is one of the indicators of the democratization of society, the level of its development. As a consequence, gender parity is one of the national interests of a sovereign modern state. The main criteria of democracy are, in particular, the political and legal equality of all citizens regardless of gender, their social activity, participation in the life of the state, in solving public problems. Equal access to political resources of men and women is one of the priorities for the modernizing state.

It is at the present stage of the development of the Ukrainian state, when the formation of political culture and the intensive development of political institutions are underway, it is necessary to find mechanisms for ensuring gender equality as a national interest of the modern state.

To implement gender parity as a national interest, a system of practical recommendations on mechanisms for ensuring gender equality was proposed – the Gender Integration Program. The program consists of institutional, socio-economic, cultural-mental components.


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