The politician’s stress in terms of psychology and politics’ anthropology.


  • M.-K. Grzegorzewska AGH University in Kraków
  • G. Kuc-Stefaniuk KUL


stress, politician’s stress, politics’ behaviours, psychology, politics’ anthropology, the influence of stress


The aim of this article is to explain the term and show that it is right to connect the discourse of political anthropology with the research from the psychological perspective. Stress in politics affects not only individual (direct influence) but also the political citizens’ lives. Decisions which are quite important depend on behaviors and the state of politics. The political life doesn’t go in the professional and technical process what the political anthropology wants to prove. Emotions also influence human behaviors in terms of politics. It is proved thanks to examples of different countries and their situations. As far as stress is concerned, its impact on the functioning of different groups and the knowledge about mechanisms creating political behaviours connected with the psychological experience can make that politics will be badly seen by society. What is more, the awareness concerns their dependence of stress can be motivating. In addition, the knowledge about dealing with stress by the authority in a specific situation isn’t common.


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