Decentralization of Education in Ukraine on the Example of the Vinnytsia Region Case


  • A. Р. Hyzhko Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



decentralization; education; united territorial community; budget; supporting schools


The author studies the specifics of decentralization of education realization in Ukraine and analyses the case of the Vinnytsia region. The study was based on the analysis of decentralization reform in the education sector in accordance with the regulatory framework. The application of the subsidiarity principle in the context of the educational process was considered.
It has been determined that decentralization of education involved changes in secondary education, vocational education and higher education. It has been found that decentralization principles in education are aimed at overcoming the problem of low salaries, regional disproportions in receiving educational services.
The article determines that delegation of authority, financial responsibility of educational institutions are concentrated at the local level – level of territorial community. The reform aims to differentiate the functions between the regional level, the subregional level and the basic level. The redistribution of responsibilities between the center and the regions is necessary, because these changes affect the activities of public educational institutions.
The main function of local communities in the field of education is to reduce the cost of maintaining educational institutions while improving the quality of provision and accessibility of educational services. To achieve this, Ukraine is actively pursuing the process of creating supporting schools that should provide educational needs for a large part of the population of the united territorial communities.
The current issues related to the organization of effective work of the united territorial communities in the field of education and their main functions have been studied in the article; the problems of reform implementation as well as the best practices have been defined on the example of the Vinnytsia region case. It has been determined that under the condition of successful communication between the authorities, the community and business, the educational space is being successfully formed.


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