«Windows of opportunities» of states in the conditions of the COVID-19 global pandemic


  • T. P. Khlivnyuk Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова




global pandemic; civil society; challenges of time; response events; «windows of opportunity»


The global COVID-19 pandemic has clearly demonstrated all the «pain points» of countries, regardless of the type of government and the degree of socio-economic development. It is determined that the economies of most countries have already entered a deep recession, growing public debt. There are no prospects for the expected growth in the coming years, which has already emerged since the global financial crisis of 2008, but currently the progress of the last decade to overcome the financial crisis is offset, due to events related to COVID-19 and its global consequences in the socio-political sphere of any state. Countries and regions are developing new social policy strategies, tactics and strategies for further development that are adaptable to the demands of the times, for example, at the EU level the need for even a new «Marshall Plan» has been voiced.
Equally important is the issue of human mental health, the deterioration of which is associated with social isolation, distancing, and sometimes with job loss, which, of course, has a destructive effect on people and requires increased attention of state institutions to these important issues.
A new wave of populism is expected, caused by the rise of economic inequality against the background of the effects of the pandemic, which is clearly demonstrated by most countries.
There is every reason to believe that the global pandemic COVID-19 has become a determining factor in socio-political life and social interactions.
Thus, it can be argued that the global pandemic COVID-19 has opened «windows of opportunity» in the global political space, in which the state, depending on the level of democracy, sociality and lawmaking, make certain decisions to restrict certain rights of the population. and negative consequences. Thus, the «windows of opportunity» during the global pandemic opened all the «Achilles' heel» states, demonstrating their capabilities / inability to find adequate events-responses to the complex challenges of the world, which depended on the development of the country as a whole, its important civic attribute. society, the vector of direction of public policy, tools for exercising control over power, the focus on identifying priorities and the ability of states to overestimate their citizens from these challenges.


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