Political Responsibility Institute Establishment in the Context of Public and Personal Interests During the Ukraine Independence


  • J. P. Melnyk Одеська районна рада Одеської області




political responsibility; public and personal interests; government; political institution. political system


The study of the dynamics of political responsibility in the context of personal and public interests, first of all, is combined with an understanding of the changing emphasis in the mutual responsibility of public authorities, political parties, civil society institutions, citizens and response in the form of public confidence, public activity, protest public mood and level of life satisfaction depending on the implementation of these changes and the implementation of state reforms. In order to determine the political responsibility effectiveness degree, the dynamics of the timeliness of its manifestation and the public response study according to the above criteria are subject to priority research.
It has been established that depending on the shift of public administration emphasis towards the parliamentary-presidential or presidential-parliamentary form of government in Ukraine, the instruments, procedure and distribution of political responsibility and, as a result, accountability and subordination of political system actors have changed. These «shifts of emphasis» were primarily justified by the requirements of the political situation within the country, public sentiment, declaring various vectors of domestic and foreign policy and taking as a basis the attitude of international organizations to domestic events and decisions.
The study of the peculiarities of political responsibility formation during the period of Ukraine’s independence made it possible to establish five periods of change in the instrumental apparatus of political responsibility, which are directly related to the government form changeі.
As a result of the study, two types of political responsibility not previously mentioned in the scientific literature were identified – changing the form of government as a political responsibility of the previous government, lustration as an instrument of political responsibility of civil servants.


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