Experience of Application of Modern Concepts and Models of Public Governance in Transitional Systems
civil society; public policy; public administration; New Public Management; Good Governance; e-government; online spaceAbstract
The article analyzes modern concepts and models of public policy formation in transition systems. It is noted that the application of existing models of public policy making for the analysis of transitional systems is one of the unresolved challenges facing researchers. It is revealed that under the influence of global factors, systemic transformations, inclusion of new management patterns in the political process there is a change in modern public policy practices, which is taken into account when constructing theoretical models of formation in the studied countries.
Modern management theories reflect current trends in public policy through the numerous practices of interaction between traditional and new public actors, who form their own alternatives to the agenda.
All transitional systems solve the problems of governance reform and reformatting of socio-political relations depending on economic, political, historical, institutional, socio-cultural and foreign policy circumstances. As a result of these transformations, which countries go through with varying degrees of dynamism and intensity, a special national version of the public space is formed.
The specificity of installing management models in transitional systems is that these systems, as a rule, transplant public institutions that operate successfully in democratic systems or globally, adapting them to their conditions. However, transplanted institutions are often unable to function effectively due to the unwillingness of systems to fully integrate them into the process for political, social, cultural and other reasons.
New management practices have a positive effect on the adaptation of public policy models in national systems. Institutionalizing, "e-government" contributes to the formation of a new type of "electronic" citizen and a new type of managerial thinking. New opportunities are created for the representation of public interests and the influence of public structures on the process of public policy production.
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