The COVID-19 pandemic as a challenge to the unity and sustainability of the European Union: looking for ways to overcome the crisis
European Union; pandemic; coronavirus; European solidarity; integration; efficiency; crisis; consensusAbstract
The European Union has faced numerous difficulties and challenges during the last years.
At the height of the migrant crisis in Europe some experts predicted a possibility of the EU collapse due
to the incoherence and disparity of the actions undertaken by member contries, or maintaining of the EU
only as a nominal, powerless institution. In 2020 COVID-19 pandemic became challenge for the whole
system of international relations. The matter of searching ways to resolve the crisis in a world that is living
through the COVID-19, has become vital for the Eoropean Union amid growing national autonomist
agenda in a range of countries. This article examines the influence of COVID-19 pandemic on constructing
and developing the shared vision and exact steps of European Union to confront the crisis. The coronavirus
pandemic has put the EU’s economy into the state of deep crisis which is unprecedented for the peacful
times. Such crisis turned out to be the one of the major challenges for European Union’s unity in its entire
history. An effort to analyze the efficiency of European institutions interaction in order to overcame
the crisis and save unity of the EU is being done in this article. It has been determined that because of the
lack of coordination between member states of the EU, unsystematic means of national responding to the
emergencies have been observed at the pandemic beginning. This translates in increasing of Eurosceptic
and nationalist feelings amongst the population in some member states of the EU. Potentially, such
scenarios might have significantly affected the prospects of EU’s further development. The attention has
been paid to the political capability of EU to act in solidarity and make consensus decisions. It is
emphasized in the article, that the scale of problems and consequences, caused by the coronavirus
pandemic is not yet finally determined due to the crisis is still ongoing, and the long-term effects of it may
be more significant than it can be seen and predicted today. The possible tendencies of further evolution
of the EU as a solid commonwealth in post-crisis period are being considered.
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