Political rights and freedoms: actualization of the problem and assessment of the level of realization


  • A. V. Pekhnyk Національний університет «Одеська юридична академія»




political rights; political freedoms; human rights; state; society


An important aspect of the consideration of political rights and freedoms is the regulation of political rights and freedoms at various levels. One of the main issues of any government is people's trust in its institutions. In a state-organized society, people's trust in the state directly depends on how the state guarantees and protects the rights and freedoms of people, the extent to which the state allows citizens to form and exercise their own will, to participate in the exercise of state functions. Here, we should pay attention to the political demands of citizens, which are subject to regulation in the implementation of political rights and freedoms. This is what this research work is aimed at.
Political rights and freedoms in our society have not yet become a full-fledged political and legal reality. On the one hand, the state does not always reliably ensure and guarantee these rights, freedoms, establishes unreasonable obstacles to the use of people's rights. On the other hand, citizens do not believe in the effectiveness of their influence on the government through political rights and freedoms. Therefore, the question arises – how to assess the level of observance in the state of political rights and freedoms of citizens. In most cases, when an attempt is made to assess the observance of political human rights, the analysis of documents that are available to the general public is usually used. However, this approach is not without its problems of incompleteness and uncertainty, as well as bias. As there is no objective data on this issue, it should be based on factual material, according to human rights experts who accumulate a global stock of knowledge make a real contribution to improving people's lives.


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Політична культура та ідеологія