Peculiarities of ethnonational implementation politics in the Czech Republic


  • H. I. Melehanych ДВНЗ «Ужгородський національний університет»



the Czech Republic; national minorities; ethnic minorities; state policy; minority rights; national minority organizations; population census; self-identification; Government Council for National Minorities; Council for Roma Minorities


The article outlines the main tendencies towards development of modern ethno-national policy in the Czech Republic, which was being formed gradually under the influence of both internal and external factors. The urgency of the research is important due to the constant increase in the number of Ukrainians in the Czech Republic, who first appear as migrants, and then in the second generation may become the members of a national minority. Based on the data of the official census and the current state of ensuring the rights of national minorities, there were made the conclusions about favorable factors for the development of ethnic and cultural identity of different peoples, and the main activities of organizations representing them, etc. Significant attention is paid to the legal protection of the rights of national minorities in the country and the peculiarities of the legal status of these minorities in the Czech Republic. There was made an attempt to provide insight into the scientific and journalistic literature on ethnic policy in the Czech Republic. The article also examines in detail the activities of the Government Council for National Minorities, as a coordinating and initiating institutional body between the state and national communities in the country. Its quantitative and qualitative composition, as well as the main powers are considered. It was found out under which circumstances each ethnic community received the status of a national minority in the Czech Republic . Today, the representatives of fourteen nationalities have this status: Bulgarian, Croatian, Hungarian, German, Polish, Roma, Ruthenian, Russian, Greek, Slovak, Ukrainian, Serbian, Belarusian, and Vietnamese. There was also made a comparative analysis of state expenditures to support the activities of public organizations of national minorities in terms of age and minorities. The activities and significance of the Council for Roma Minorities are also described. The article outlines the conditions for the establishment of National Minority Committees in municipalities. As a result, there was established the essence of the ethno-national policy of the Czech state, which creates conditions for the residence of a significant number of national minorities and the titular nation, that in turn leads to an increase in the number of the first and a decrease in the number of the latters.


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