Prospects of the Ukrainian revolution in the works of S. Bandera's successors


  • Я. А. Бондар Ніжинський державний університет імені Миколи Гоголя



prospects; the Ukrainian revolution; the successors of S. Bandera; the revolutionary liberation potential; the Ukrainian national liberation movement; the Soviet regime


The article considers the prospects of the Ukrainian revolution, presented in the works of S. Lenkavsky, J. Stetsko, who were the ideological and political successors of S. Bandera. The research was conducted through the prism of the analysis of their creative heritage, aimed at studying revolutionary and liberation issues. It is established that the work of these authors reflects their views on the Ukrainian revolutionary liberation movement for the destruction of the Russian (Soviet) empire. The theoretical works of S. Lenkavsky are considered, it is established that in the question of state formation the author adheres to the position of preventing the creation of other forms than an independent, sovereign state, arguing that all other forms of statehood can become a threat to the people and the country. pursue their own goals and interests in the international arena. It is noted that the theoretical works of J. Stetsko are connected both with his general work on providing the methodological, organizational basis of the liberation movement, and with the creation of conceptual foundations of the movement, which he headed from 1946 to 1986. It has been proved that both ideologues held the opinion that the creation of an independent, conciliar Ukrainian state was possible only if the main revolutionary and liberation potential was represented by the Ukrainians themselves. It is determined that the authors continue the position of S. Bandera on the need to fight not just with the Soviet regime, but with the Russian imperial system, which in the twentieth century. presented in the form of the USSR under the leadership of the KGB. It is noted that the analyzed works of the authors allow us to consider the state of the Ukrainian national liberation movement, similar movements of enslaved peoples, the geopolitical picture of the world from an objectively complex point of view. It is stated that their work is not only valuable in terms of political and geopolitical analysis, but also has a thorough historical assessment of the studied processes.


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