Theoretical dimension of political opposition as a modern phenomenon
political opposition; protest movements; nonconformism; resistance; dissent; factionalism; socio-political movements and organizations; theoretical and methodological analysis; theoretical dimension; political practiceAbstract
Substantiation of the modern phenomenon of «opposition», its forms, types of manifestation and functioning is an important theoretical and methodological problem, the solution of which is necessary not only and not so much political science as political practice.
The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the need to define political institutions, practices and processes that outline the parameters of efficiency and institutionalization of the political opposition in the political and legal context in its theoretical justification and measurement.
Political science in the context of political opposition has become much more heterogeneous since the 90s of the twentieth century, because it was at this time that it began to focus on the phenomenon under study analytically, comparatively and on the example of a growing number of cases.
In the context of the Visegrad countries, this was especially relevant, because, on the one hand, they have now acquired the format of the process and inter-institutional relations, which has expanded understanding of the nature and types, forms and indicators, and the general structure of political opposition, including at the expense of the Visegrad countries. This course of events has also played a huge role in the development of regional studies on the political opposition, even though they are still relatively underrepresented and unsystematized. The fact is that the fact of democratization of the region was a kind of divide between studies of the proto-opposition (including resistance, dissent and socio-political movements and organizations) or political opposition (including systemic, especially parliamentary and anti-systemic) in conditions, respectively, autocratic and democratic political regimes.
It should be noted that a similar situation, especially against the background of Western political science, is typical of Ukrainian political science, in which the issue of political opposition is still mainly theoretical and descriptive, but very little analytical and comparative, and therefore not multifaceted. In view of this, it is justified that further progress should be made on the understanding, structuring and typology of the political opposition, both theoretically and methodologically and practically empirically.
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