Anti-corruption policy: international standards and experience of the countries of Eastern Europe
corruption; anti-corruption policy; institutionalization of the fight against corruption; countries of Eastern EuropeAbstract
The article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the corruption problem, the definition and analysis of international standards of anti-corruption policy. It has been established that corruption for modern society acts as a multifaceted and global problem, since its forms are diverse in nature, and the manifestation can be observed in all countries of the world. The current transnational level of corruption determines the need to consolidate the world community to overcome it. This problem is especially relevant for states with transformational political processes, since the existence of corrupt relationships slows down their socio-economic and political-legal development, and in conditions of large-scale corruption, the usurpation of power by oligarchic or criminal structures is also possible.
The article examines the features of the regulatory framework and institutionalization of anticorruption struggle in Eastern Europe, on the example of Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Poland. It has been established that the effectiveness of the fight against corruption depends on the consistency and structure of the main measures, among which the following can be noted: dialogue between the state and civil society; formation and functioning of social and legal control over the activities of the bureaucratic apparatus; formation of openness of government bodies through the creation of electronic government and an increase in the role of information technologies; integration of political, legal, socio-economic and educational measures in the formation of anti-corruption stability of the individual and society, in general. It is noted that the level and degree of effectiveness of anti-corruption policy and counteraction depends on the level of culture of society and ethical and moral traditions in it. One of the measures of anti-corruption policy can be considered the formation and implementation of a code of business ethics.
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