Problems of ensuring the security of competitive intelligence activities in the context of an aggravation of information and psychological confrontation


  • V. Yе. Hunin Воєнно-дипломатична академія імені Євгенія Березняка



information space; information and psychological confrontation; informational and psychological impact; information and psychological warfare; informational and psychological operations; intelligence activities; competitive intelligence units; temporarily occupied territory


In the course of the research the author of the paper recorded a significant increase in the activity of Russian (pro-Russian) media (mass media), other media sources (mass-media, direct-media), individual websites and blogs on the Internet, which are elements of the modern information space. The author attributes such activity to the beginning of the hybrid war against Ukraine by the Russian Federation (RF It is determined that the information disseminated by these mass media is destructive. Namely, such information distorts the outlook of our population, leads to the wrong perception of events in our country and abroad, contributes to the formation of a negative attitude towards the political decisions taken by the leadership, which in turn leads to a deterioration of relations between Ukraine and partner countries diminishes the international image of our country. It is proved that behind the dissemination of fake information both on the territory of Ukraine and beyond, there are Russian special services whose main task is to destabilize the situation inside the state, discredit Ukraine in the international arena, to show its insolvency in all directions. It is investigated what kind of media can be used by the Russian special services to solve this problem. The peculiarities of the information and psychological impact to which various sections of the population of Ukraine are exposed due to information attacks by these media, including the categories residing in the temporarily occupied territories (TOT), are studied. For this purpose it is considered what groups it is expedient to present to the population of Ukraine taking into account its relation to the military conflict, territorial location, and also peculiarities of perception of fake materials by different groups of the population. As a result of the research, the author of the article proposes how to improve the security of competitive intelligence unit’s activities in the area of the operation of the Joint Forces (OJF) and the TOT by organizing adequate counteraction to the destructive influence on the population of Ukraine by the Russian (pro-Russian) media available in special structures and means. Namely, the author of the article proposed on the basis of functioning in the interested state structures of information-analytical divisions to create so-called divisions (departments) of information counteraction. Also, the author discloses the features of staffing such units, their information, financial and legal support.


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