Cross-temporal analysis of activization of Ukraine’s federalization


  • Yе. V. Ryabinin Маріупольський державний університет



state-territorial system; federalization; separatism; V. Chornovil; Ukraine


The stages and reasons for the intensification of the ideas of federalization of Ukraine at the present stage of development of the state, starting from the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union and Ukraine’s independence, are analyzed. The ideas of politicians of that time were analyzed and it was proved that one of the leaders of the ideas of federalization was V. Chornovil, who believed that federalization was necessary for the state because unitarity would only change Moscow’s pressure on Kyiv’s central government pressure on regions.
It is noted that the idea was not carried out due to separatist tendencies that covered the regions of Ukraine, especially the south-eastern region. It was emphasized that the unitary form of territorial organization was chosen to strengthen the state, but the leading politicians of the time (V. Chornovil, L. Kuchma) constantly emphasized the need for federalization of Ukraine, but after some time.
The popularity of the ideas of federalization during the orange revolution is explained and the opinion is substantiated that this idea was mostly broadcast by political elites who cared about their business positions. This was the first serious crisis situation when the question of changing the territorial structure of the state arose. The evolution of this idea after the orange revolution is traced and its gradual popularization among politicians and political experts is emphasized. The position of such politicians as V. Lytvyn, P. Symonenko, E. Kushnaryov, V. Kolesnichenko, who most actively analyzed this topic, was analyzed.
The situation in 2014 is considered, when the idea of federalization was most acute and had mostly an external channel of activation. The position of Russia and the United States during the active phase of the military-political crisis in Ukraine is considered. It is established that the transition to change the state-territorial structure of the state during crisis situations can lead to a deepening of divisions within society and collapse of the state.


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