Israel's policy on restricting property rights of members of terrorist families.


  • D. M. Trehubov Воєнно-дипломатична академія імені Євгенія Березняка



Israel, politics, terrorism, human rights, demolition of houses, IDF, responsibility


The article describes some aspects of Israel’s anti-terrorist policies. In particular, the experience of civil liability of terrorist family members through the demolition of their homes was examined. Israel uses a multi-level system of combating terrorism and has extensive practical experience in implementing the policy of anti-terrorism measures, which may be interesting for Ukraine. Also, the article «Israel's policy on restricting property rights of members of terrorist families» partly examined the international regulatory framework governing the application of severe restrictive measures to terrorists and their relatives.

In the context of the hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the urgent issue is the organization of effective counteraction by domestic security and defense sector security forces to terrorist attacks by military units of the self-proclaimed LPR and DPR. In a difficult political situation Ukraine faced with the threat that require an improvement in the functioning of the national counterterrorism policy. Corresponding work should be carried out using experience and effective world practices, including Israel.

Despite the ongoing domestic political crisis in Israel, the country's government is clearly aware of the need for a tough counterterrorism efforts and therefore is unlikely to abandon the practice of demolishing terrorist houses, although its effectiveness remains in question.

It is possible that after a certain period of time, against the backdrop of an increase in the level of terrorist threats in Europe, some of the leading countries of the world can follow the example of Israel, borrowing its policy of imposing responsibility on the relatives of terrorists. In the short term, such radical measures can have a positive effect, however, their actual inconsistency with the principles of the rule of law and the international community can aggravate the conflicts that will provoke a new wave of terrorist threats.


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