Ensuring national security in the context of Ukraine's participation in international organizations.
international organizations, national security of Ukraine, Ukrainian legislation, normative-legal base, non-military means of ensuring security, crisis settlementAbstract
The article considers the possibilities and available tools of international organizations to promote national security of Ukraine on the background of the transformation of the system of international relations, caused by the revision of fundamental norms of international law by individual states.
The paper analyzes several approaches to interaction with international organizations in matters of national security, which are reflected in the legal framework of Ukraine: reliance on the assistance of international organizations and blocs in ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state; lack of developed clear and consistent mechanisms for cooperation with international organizations to achieve national security goals; lack of understanding of the real, rather than declarative, capabilities of international organizations to ensure the national security of member states and partners.
In order to overcome these problematic aspects of imposing on international organizations part of the obligations to ensure national security, identified key areas of cooperation between state authorities of Ukraine and certain international structures, which with the use of non-military means have the opportunity to promote national security in Ukraine.
It is concluded that there are prerequisites for the inclusion of mechanisms of international organizations in the system of national security of Ukraine in the following areas: information, military-civil and economic.
Given the projected preservation of the essential role of international organizations in crisis management and peacekeeping, it is considered appropriate to develop a consistent algorithm for cooperation of Ukrainian authorities with international organizations in areas that will contribute to national security of Ukraine.
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