Language policy as a phenomenon and category.


  • S. V. Savoyska Міжнародна академія управління персоналом



language policy, Ukrainian state, political forces, political ideology, subject of politics, identity, language situation, Russian and Ukrainian languages, Russia, pro-Russian


"Language policy" is studied as a phenomenon and category that is closely related: with the self-awareness of both the subject of policy that implements it and the scientist who studies it; with state and political ideologies, which are closely related to the identity of the subjects of language policy, understanding the history of the state, its inhabitants, their language and culture; with which state studies the language policy as it was in the past and is now (independent, occupied, postcolonial), what legacy it has received from its metropolis; with what the state is at the present stage of development: monolingual / multilingual, democratic or totalitarian-authoritarian; with the language policy pursued by the state or political forces in relation to its own people, and especially to a national minority, an indigenous nation, an ethnic group, and so on.

Emphasis is placed on the definition of the term "language policy", which was first used by the Polish politician J. Tsebollero, which is, in his opinion, a contradictory and extremely complex concept in the area of categorical definition, as this term has such properties that determine its role and place in socio-political relations. In this sense, it is noted that the term "language policy" is actively developed and used in the 1960s-1980s, and also spread in the early and late 1990s, which, according to O. Danilevskaya, should be understood as a set ideological postulates and practical actions aimed at regulating language relations in the state [8, p. 25].

It is determined that "language policy" is a category that reflects network, inter-network, institutional, etc. communication and political relations; a phenomenon that is closely related to state, opposition, public and civic policies; public policy, which implements language policy based on formal and informal institutions, which often conflict, thus gaining for their language more living space and opportunities to fully function, develop, spread in all spheres of socio-political life and compete with other languages; logical concept, which is actively used, according to I. Plotnytska, on the territory of Soviet Ukraine in the 20s of the XX century, which marked the purposeful intervention of society in the spontaneous process of language development and organized management of this process "[21, p. 47].


It is proved that the peculiarity of the language policy of independent Ukraine is that it inherited from the USSR the postcolonial language situation, where the ratio of Ukrainian and Russian speakers did not correspond to the percentage of ethnic Ukrainians and Russians, as the colonizers turned the Ukrainian language state. It is noted that the model of relations between the Russian and Ukrainian languages in Soviet Ukraine was formed by the authorities so that they were perceived in society not as equal, but as a relationship between language and dialect. It was found that the peculiarity of language policy is also that its implementation is divided between two political forces, which, on the one hand, are national democratic institutions operating on the basis of pro-Ukrainian political forces, on the other – pro-Russian politicians (communists, socialists, social democrats, etc.) who defend the interests and values of Russia in Ukraine.

logical concept, which is actively used, according to I. Plotnytska, on the territory of Soviet Ukraine in the 20s of the XX century, which marked the purposeful intervention of society in the spontaneous process of language development and organized management of this process "[21, p. 47].

It is proved that the peculiarity of the language policy of independent Ukraine is that it inherited from the USSR the postcolonial language situation, where the ratio of Ukrainian and Russian speakers did not correspond to the percentage of ethnic Ukrainians and Russians, as the colonizers turned the Ukrainian language state. It is noted that the model of relations between the Russian and Ukrainian languages in Soviet Ukraine was formed by the authorities so that they were perceived in society not as equal, but as a relationship between language and dialect. It was found that the peculiarity of language policy is also that its implementation is divided between two political forces, which, on the one hand, are national democratic institutions operating on the basis of pro-Ukrainian political forces, on the other – pro-Russian politicians (communists, socialists, social democrats, etc.) who defend the interests and values of Russia in Ukraine.


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Політична культура та ідеологія