Political promotion and the ukrainian national idea in the journal «Ukrainka».


  • М. V. Pavlyuh Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»




women’s press, Ukrainian women’s union, Ukrainian national idea, national consciousness, political propaganda, national values


The main topic, genres, articles of the magazine of the Ukrainian Union «Ukrainka» are analyzed. Materials in which women promoted the national idea and formed the national consciousness were investigated. The main thematic content of the patriotic edition is highlighted. The organization of the work of the editorial staff was studied: columns and departments. The main publications in which the authors of the articles carried out political propaganda against the Polish occupation authorities are presented. It is found that the publication of the Ukrainian Union «Ukrainka» shaped female patriotism, aroused political consciousness. The main directions of activity of the women’s patriotic organization of the Union of Ukrainians, which operated in Galicia in the first half of the twentieth century, are indicated.

The Ukrainian national idea became a cross-cutting idea for the magazine. The body of the patriotic Ukrainian women’s organization of the Union of Ukrainians played an important role in the political life of Galicia in the first half of the twentieth century, as it united patriotic women in the struggle for political freedoms. The activity of the woman-mother, the woman-guardian of the family hearth, the woman-patriot was supported by the publication as the main ideological component of many articles. Political propaganda in the front pages of «Ukrainka» magazine formed public opinion, first of all, of rural women, who were not always able to read and learn.

The article analyzes several important publications that demonstrate the main thematic areas. The «Ukrainka» promoted healthy lifestyles among rural women, and also shaped national values among the population: love of mother tongue, traditions, customs, culture, and homeland. The activities of the Union of Ukrainians and the edition of Ukrainka have become widespread in the country, so the Polish occupation regime has repeatedly confiscated regular numbers and numbers. The importance, influence and role of «Ukrainka» among the Galician population are significant, as political propaganda against hostile authorities and the Ukrainian national idea contributed to the liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people.


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