Ukrainian students 2020: political orientations and views.


  • А. O. Almashiy Ужгородський національний університет



youth, students, politics, political activity, political literacy


One of the challenges for Ukraine's development is the formation of an active stratum of citizens with a high level of political consciousness who seek positive change in their country. The political socialization of modern students, their political orientations, and views on political subjectivity were studied on the example of Uzhhorod National University graduates.

The present article focuses on the study of political socialization of student youth, determining their level of trust in government, their competence, and motivation for public action. The author analyzes the level of students' awareness and features of the relationship between society and government. As far as modern youth is an essential public resource of the country and to realize their own needs and interests can unite in youth organizations or movements, which are the most effective tool for communication between youth, society, and government. It is within the framework of such actions that a young person undergoes socialization and finds self-actualization.

The article emphasizes that most representatives of modern student youth are interested in politics, although they consider themselves politically passive and do not participate in any rallies, actions, protests. Also, the study found that the vast majority of respondents are not members of any public organization. However, they believe that it is the student youth that can change the situation in the country. The current level of political literacy of young people can be assessed mainly as medium or low. The issue of the impact of politics on the individual is also taken into consideration.

The author emphasizes that the state, which seeks improvement, needs the most active involvement of creative, ambitious student youth. Welfare in the society of any country depends on its level of political consciousness and culture.


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