Political elite in the institutional environment.


  • M. V. Prymush Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University
  • Yu. V. Okunovska Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University
  • A. P. Hyzhko Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University




institutional environment, modernization, political elite, political system, political practice, communication


This paper is a study of the subject-matter and features of the institutionalization of the elite in the process of modernization of the political system. It is proved that the functioning of the institutional environment takes place at the macro and micro levels. In this context, the article studies the degree of coherence of the institutional environment and its dependence on the consent of all the subjects to respect the rules and norms that ensure social and political order. The study reveals a set of legitimate rules of interaction and competitive political practices that form the basis of the institutional environment (functioning of the elite). It describes the communication processes that form such interactions in the institutional environment.

It is concluded that clear rules and procedures of lobbying allow balancing the interests of public groups and political elites on the basis of compromise solutions. Accordingly, lobbying ensures a pluralism of legitimate opportunities for public participation in the development and adoption of political decisions, provides publicity to the process and activities of state authorities. Authors grounded that a set of legitimate rules of interaction and competitive political practices form the basis of the institutional environment of elite functioning. A holistic understanding of the rules of interaction and practices helps to determine the procedure of the elite institution in the political modernization processes, the dynamism of which is provided by the optimal choice of political technologies. Also, communication processes shape specific types of interaction in the institutional environment, facilitating feedback, optimal distribution of resources, and the use of political system capabilities to optimize modernization changes. The elite institute, forming and controlling communication processes, ensures the involvement of public initiative in the practical implementation of modernization projects on the basis of partnership and mutual responsibility.


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