Informatization of society as a factor of state policy transformation in the field of social security.


  • Yu. O. Ostapets Ужгородський національний університет



social security, information security, national security, communication, informatisation, information and communication techologies


The article defines specific characteristics of influence of imnformatisation of the decision-making and public administration processes on public policy transformation and development in the field of social security. A range of new perspectives and possibilities is defined on the basis of analysis of Ukrainian legal acts and documents describing activity of international organisations. Such possibilities emerge as a result of integration of modern information and communication technologies into the system of implementation of state strategy concerning social policy. Extension and diversification of the communication channels linking the state and the society in the process of solving social issues provides a possibility to implement the means of harmonisation and coordination of efforts undertaken by state facilities and institutions, responsible for social security. Technological progress also creates some prerequisites for expanding the degree of citizens awareness concerning state agencies activity in the field of social policy, cultivation of trust between the population and state bodies, while at the same time reducing the probability of abuse or manipulation of the state social resources.

Analysis of threats related to introduction of new means of comunication into the field of public policy and social scurity allowed us to determine the nature of connection between the categories of social security and information security. The stated connection can be detected in the contradiction emerging between the necessity to provide security for those categories of citizens that rely on social protection and the need to preserve confidentiality of their personal data, as well as between the new possibilities related to informing of the citizens on the activity of state agencies and the danger connected to the hightened probability of misuse or abuse of state-owned and social communication channels for arbitrary or intentional distribution of incomplete, ureliable or erroneous information.


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