The current state of Ukrainian-Japanese relations in the context of priority directions of Japan's foreign policy.
Japan's foreign policy, economic diplomacy, Ukraine, “arc of freedom and prosperity”, strategy, investment, JICA, the Japan-American AllianceAbstract
The transformation of Japan into an economic superpower, increasing the activity of Japanese diplomacy in the international arena, has increased the interest in exploring its role in world politics.
Thus new approaches to the analysis of the factors that influence the Japanese foreign policy thinking should be held.
A comprehensive approach to this topic gives an opportunity to explore the global and regional aspects of Japan's foreign policy, following the example of Ukraine, to analyze the main dynamics and position of new challenges and threats. The article is devoted to the study of preconditions, factors, tendencies, directions and peculiarities of formation of Ukrainian-Japanese relations at the present stage.
The main priority directions of the foreign policy of Japan at the present stage, the mechanisms of their implementation and the place of Ukrainian-Japanese relations in this system of values are defined in the work. The basic spheres of realization of economic diplomacy of Japan on the example of Ukraine are analyzed.
According to the results of research on the basis of cooperation between the Ukrainian-Japanese relations both at the bilateral level and within the framework of international organizations, there are no contradictions and consistent policies. Implementation of modern energy-saving technologies in energy, industry, municipal sector, involvement of Japanese investments in the development of transport and energy infrastructure of Ukraine, as well as the agrarian sector, in particular its material and technical base, remain promising areas of cooperation.
In the international arena, Japan reaffirms its continued support for Ukraine's “sovereignty and territorial integrity”, and Ukraine supports Japan in its bid to become a permanent member of the UN Council.
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