Legal Foundations of Modern Ukrainian-Hungarian Relations: from Trianon to the Present.


  • I. V. Ablazov Воєнно-дипломатична академія імені Євгенія Березняка
  • P. A. Terpiak Воєнно-дипломатична академія імені Євгенія Березняка



Trianon Peace Treaty, Transcarpathia, diplomacy, international law, international organizations, interstate relations, legal framework, Ukrainian legislation, national security of Ukraine


The article briefly describes the historical prerequisites of modern Ukrainian-Hungarian relations, namely the signing of the Trianon Peace Treaty, according to which the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary was divided. In particular, Transcarpathia became part of the Czechoslovak Republic. The importance of this milestone in the history of Hungary is evidenced by the fact that it was included in history books under the name "The Trianon Tragedy". These events are one of the main factors in the formation of relations between Ukraine and Hungary today. Also, the article "The Legal Foundations of Modern Ukrainian-Hungarian Relations: From Trianon to the Present" examines the international legal framework that has an impact on modern relations between the two countries.

It should be noted that the issue of the creation and development of cultural autonomy of Hungarians living in the Transcarpathian region is extremely acute today. The new wording of the Laws of Ukraine “On Education” as well as “On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as a State” is being crushed by Hungarian officials. For example, during the last visit of Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Siarto to Kiev, the Hungarian side offered two innovations to Ukrainian law: to equate Hungarian with the language of indigenous people and to increase the number of hours for learning Ukrainian by increasing the hours of studying the subject “Ukrainian ". The reaction of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine is unambiguous: the Hungarian side's proposals are unacceptable. As a result, Hungary continues to block the NATO-Ukraine Council until "minority rights are restored" in Ukraine. Given that the Russian Federation has a direct influence on Hungary's policies, it should be expected Hungary's hybrid influence on Ukraine will deepen.


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