Political identity in the local press of Poland (1989–2005).


  • М. V. Pavlyuh Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»




local press, sublocal press, political local identity, press market


The Polish local press is a phenomenon in the modern segment of the Polish press market. The local Polish press developed in the post-communist period, although the development of the Polish local press began in the eighteenth century. Territorial is the main criterion for the division of Polish editions into local and sublocal editions. In contemporary Polish historiography, there are several approaches in the definitions of this segment of the Polish press market that are perceived as synonymous.

The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the smallest link in the Polish press market. The main features of the Polish local and sublocal press are traced. The main historical stages of the development of the Polish local press, which developed after 1989, were studied. Several important approaches to the studied movements of sublocal periodical information are considered. Transformational changes of issues from totalitarian to democratic have been monitored. The basic features of local periodicals, including toponymic restrictions, which are a significant feature of Polish local periodicals, are outlined.

The article examines the informational dimensions of the local press, the relationship models of the local press, and the authorities that are important for shaping political local identity. Through the local periodicals, the political culture of the local communities is formed, which is a significant element in shaping the political culture of the Polish periodicals and Polish society. The basic definitions are dominated by territorial and institutional principles when the press is regarded as the press organs of parties, organizations in local communities. Studying the development and functioning of the Polish
local / sublocal press is important, as it is this segment of the Polish press market that forms the Polish local identity, expressed in the image of a “small homeland”.


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