Modern authoritarian political regimes of the Tropical Africa regions and their democratic prospects.
Tropical Africa, authoritarian regime, dictatorship, conflict, democratic transit, stabilization of political lifeAbstract
The article analyzes modern authoritarian regimes that have established themselves in the region of Tropical Africa in the post-colonial period, when independent states, as a result of prolonged national liberation struggles, hoped to stabilize political life and raise socio-economic standards. The relevance of the topic of the study is motivated by the fact that the signs of authoritarian state-political system, characteristic of the region, investigated within the article, are common and inherent in most countries of the African continent as a whole, which allows the expansion of analytical material for relevant generalizations.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the authoritarian political regimes of the countries of Tropical Africa and to identify social conditions and circumstances conducive to democratic transit.
As a result of elaboration of the theme, the types of conflict characterization as the main destabilizing cause of democratic transit in the post-authoritarian states of the region are characterized, which brings additional risks in the choice of an adequate path of political development and maintenance of cultural identity.
Discriminatory factors of democratic transit, such as personified and one-party regimes, legitimized ethno-dictatorships, and a propaganda system aimed at asserting that democracy is unfit for the African continent, are revealed.
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