World Practices of Decentralization Implementation and Their Experience for Ukraine.
autonomy, decentralization, deconcentration, deregulation, local self-governmentAbstract
The article studies the peculiarities of decentralization implementation in the countries of Europe. Practical cases of power decentralization reform in Poland and France were taken as the basis of the research and their experience was studied in relation to Ukraine. In addition, the article processes the administrative changes of Romania, Hungary, Italy on the basis of the institutions that implemented the reform.
While studying the starting conditions for decentralization introduction and the peculiarities of the administrative structure that was formed after the reforms, the author determines that there are common aspects of the decentralization reform in Ukraine, Poland, France, which include an identical three-level system: oblast-voivodeship-region, rayon-powiat-province, community-gmina-commune. Each of them is characterized by a field of exclusive authority and competences, a system of guarantees against a nonsanctioned intervention of other levels in the lawful execution of this level’s authority. The people, state bodies, bodies of local and regional power, territorial communities of cities, towns and villages are singled out as subjects of power decentralization. Practice of foreign countries shows that the model of their interrelations should be based on decentralization, partnership and coordinated actions regardless of the form of state structure.
It has been determined in the course of the study that the process of decentralization implementation primarily starts with democratization of social life and development of liberal thought. The majority of the studies countries started the reform with fiscal and administrative decentralization.
On the basis of such indicators as the way of decentralization reform implementations, ways of regulation of local self-government bodies, level of subordination to the center, presence of official representatives of the central government at the local level, form of control, forms of local governance, the article analyzes the Anglo-Saxon, continental, mixed and soviet local self-government models. It has been proven that the continental model is most wide-spread.
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